A fire tornado is not only a rare sight but
a fearsome thing...
Two of the driest areas of the world are Northern Chile
and the eastern Sahara Desert. Most years they do not receive any
rainfall. In fact, Calama, Chile, didn't have a drop of rain from 1570
to 1971. That's 400 years without rain!
Did you know that the top of the Antarctic ice sheet normally receives
only an inch (25mm) of water in the form of snow each year? In fact, it
is called a polar desert. This being the case, where do you think it's
10,000 ft (3,050 m) of ice could have come from?
The worldwide flood account in Genesis of the Bible set the stage for
the Ice Age. Enormous amounts of water vapor rose from the warm ocean
and blew onto the cool continents. Snow piled up as storm after storm
blew onto the continents, the sheer weight of the snow compacted into
ice. North America, northern Europe, northwest Asia, Greenland and
Antarctica developed ice sheets that we can still see today. Scientists
who believe in the evolution-uniformitarian model have difficulty
accounting for the Ice Age. It is extremely difficult for ice sheets to
form in the present climate. That is why more than 60 theories have been
invented to try to account for the Ice Age. All these theories have
serious difficulties.
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